Julius Bartels introduced in 1949 the planetary geomagnetic activity index Kp and the derived activity numbers ap Ap Cp and C9 These activity numbers were accepted by the IAGA as official measures to express the geomagnetic activity The data series expand back to 1932 Kp and its derived numbers got a world wide usage in geomagnetic science

Geomagnetic Kp Index The planetary three hour range Kp index was introduced by J Bartels in 1949 and is derived from the standardized K index Ks of 13 magnetic observatories It is designed to measure solar particle radiation by its magnetic effects The Kp numbers of the previous month are available in tabular format

Kp and Ap indices covering the period 1932 to 1995 are analysed in a fashion similar to that attempted by Bartels for the 1932 1961 epoch to examine the time variations in their characteristics Modern analysis techniques on the extended data base are used for further insight

Availability of the planetary geomagnetic indices Kp ap Ap

Ap and ap are unitless and can be multiplied by 2 nT to yield the average geomagnetic disturbance at 50 degree geomagnetic latitude Kp ap and Ap were introduced by Bartels 1949 1957 and are produced by Geomagnetic Observatory Niemegk GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Described in Matzka et al 2021 see reference above

The geomagnetic indices derivation meaning and availability

Mean monthly occurrence frequencies of Kp index in di erent

Geomagnetic Kp and Ap Indices UKSSDC

Kp Index With Ap Ap Indices 1932 Kyoto U

This article reviews the properties of the Kp index and provides a reference for users of the Kp index and associated data products as derived and distributed by the GFZ German Research

The geomagnetic indices ap Ap Cp and C9 and the classification of international Q days quiet days in the sense of days with low geomagnetic activity and D days disturbed days in the sense of days with high geomagnetic activity are derived from the Kp index

Geomagnetic indices ap Ap Cp and C9 derivative indices

This database contains information of the geomagnetic Kp and ap indexes at 3 hour intervals since 1932 plus the resulting Ap index It also contains daily details of SSN Sun spots and SFI Solar flux since 1947

What is the Kp index gfz potsdam de

Hybrid of nowcast and definite Kp and ap values simple ASCII format The directory contains real time files files with all values since 1932 year files and files with ap and solar activity indices SN and F10 7

The planetary K index Kp index was a geomagnetic index in the H component field This index was calculated from data collected by a network of 13 ground based magnetometer stations at mid latitude locations from the International Real time Magnetic Observatory Network INTERMAGNET

Geomagnetic a Index The three hour index ap and the daily indices Ap Cp and C9 are directly related to the Kp index In order to obtain a linear scale from Kp J Bartels gave the following table to derive a three hour equivalent range named ap index

Kp Index With Ap Ap Indices 1932 Kyoto U Image Results

List up the Kp index with ap and Ap indices since 1932 Data format Period about 1 7KB month From Year

Format of the Kp ap list Kyoto U

The World Data Center for Geomagnetism Kyoto is operated by the Data Analysis Center for Geomagnetism and Space Magnetism Graduate School of Science Kyoto University DACGSM The DACGSM has three functions data services education for under graduate and graduate students and research on geomagnetism and solar terrestrial physics

Kp is the arithmetic mean of the 3 hour standardized K indices for the 13 Kp observatories The standardization is achieved using standardization tables for each observatory that were defined by Bartels 1949

PDF The Geomagnetic Kp Index and Derived Indices of

Brief Introduce of Planetary K index ej geo org

Time variations of geomagnetic activity indices Kp and Ap an

Historical database of propagation indexes DXMAPS

Kp and Kpa planetary 3 hourly indices of geomagnetic activity Data from GFZ Potsdam Kp index from 1932 present and NOAA NCEI AA index converted to Kpa from 1868 1931

Kp index daily plots Select the date and the file format

Kp index with ap Ap indices 1932 Kyoto U

gfz potsdam de

Kp index daily plots gfz potsdam de

Geomagnetic Indices Kp ap Ap Cp and C9 magbase rssi ru

Kp and Ap indices covering the period 1932 to 1995 are analysed in a fashion similar to that attempted by Bartels for the 1932 1961 epoch to examine the time variations in their

Data Kp index gfz potsdam de

Kp Index With Ap Ap Indices 1932 Kyoto U

ISGI International Service of Geomagnetic Indices unistra fr

WDC for Geomagnetism Kyoto ukssdc ac uk

Kp and Kpa index archive Homepage of Michael Theusner

Kp Sigma Kp ap and Ap indices on each day are shown in one record

Geomagnetic Kp Ap Indices Kp Ap Data This data is derived along with Cp from observatory K readings from a global network of observatories and provides an indicator of global geomagnetic disturbance The poorest quality of data is the early hand calculated values from 1932 through 1936

Geomagnetic indices constitute data series aiming at describing at a planetary scale the magnetic activity or some of its components The data series are homogeneous since 1868 for aa 1932 for Kp 1957 for Dst and 1959 for am